Christmas traditions -part 2

In my last post, I introduced this series of highlighting my family’s top 10 Christmas traditions.  If you missed yesterday’s,  click the link below next to memory #10.

Also, please share your holiday memories as well.  I am interested to hear what others do.

10. Tree lighting & kickoff to the holidays
9.  Today’s favorite tradition is Decking the Halls.

I really enjoy this part of be holidays. I don’t care much for putting the decorations away, which is why I’ve had the tree up through February before, but that is a discussion for another day.  My excitement for Christmas decorations probably goes back to my childhood where I would wake up early each morning, go downstairs before getting ready for school, turn on the tree and just lay in front of the stove looking at the tree.  There is something special about the lights, decorations, and overall coziness that comes from a decorated house.

Now that I am a parent, the excitement comes from making sure the kids enjoy it and that it’s special for them.  Fortunately my wife also shares in this excitement and is much more creative than I am and always has good ideas how we can make it special.

Decorating usually spans a few days for us but the first night begins with new PJs, a favorite Christmas movie playing in the background, a fire,  and some sweets with the Christmas beverage (Hot chocolate or egg nog).  The entire family does something – even this year when my 9 month old was ringing bells he pulled out of the storage containers.

After we manage to put up the 12 ft tree, hang decorations, place the stocking on the fireplace, string garland up the stairs, there is usually just enough time left before bedto turn on the tree and sit back to admire our accomplishment.  It truly is one of the best nights of the year – it’s a great scene.

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